first of all I would like to point out to the kind reader that i am not a professional writer nor a person with grate skills in English i sincerely apologize for any mistake i am going to make in my post . all I am trying to do is to tell the world about some social problems which should be taken care.

i hope u could do something about it 

India is a land a billion minds each with his or her own ways of life. but are we really using this much human resources because he with all these resources our nation is still lagging behind most of the other nation which where once plundered and destroyed completely. but they all regained their dignity afterwords the main reason behind it is the proper use of human resources. which we are not

I am currently studying ece btec in a well reputed college in kerala called mbits as a first year, i came from a middle class family in idukki from Kerala, my primary education till 7th grade was done in a cbse school near by afterwords because of poor grades in most of the subject along with financial crisis my parents decided to send me to a state syllabus which was more affordable with only a max fee of 4000 overall comparing to 19000 per year in cbse . but it really helped me to put my base in English 

When i entered the class along with my friends in SNVHSS SCHOOL nr city (aided state syllabus school) some children looked at as if i was from mars. I did my schooling till 12th in that school and to be honest i really loved it over there emotionally. but the way our teachers which includes both in state and cbse always focus on  marks and grades rather than knowledge and just because of this main reason most of the children graduating from India does not even know what and why they studied all about sin cos tan and those brain rotting scientific words . well it is no surprise for me because even the teacher don't know the real life applications of which they teach children. it is a sad thing to tell that most of the teachers in India are not having any passion in teaching and this is the main curse in kerala government school getting paid no matter what, they just have to complete portions and go home. but i can assure u from my own experience without knowing why we are studying their is absolutly less than 30 % of chance for a normal Indian to remember it utilize the knowledge.

but there are private schools in kerala especially cbse schools that give quality education to their students which is grate but considering their fee structure a normal family could not really bear this burden  and some times the management would be too much strict comparing with government schools but since discipline is less in these institutions there are a high chance in which politics and other factors enter which can be a useless and disturbing things, especially most of the teachers will be supported by the political leaders even if the truth if against him because he casts a vote for them.
and i did not tell this blindly in our aided school itself we had 4 teachers who where active politicians 

just because of politics and the finantial investment (30-35 lahs) to the management for the job they can do anything  they want there was one a situation in which an english teacher pinched the back of a childs ear with a sharpend pencil the boy didnot and the complaint just wanished because his parents thought that their kid will be mistreated among others and it is a fact that it will happen

conclusion with a solution

  • have regular and unexpected visits to the school check the attendance register and the teaching method properly
  • give proper technical guidance to the teachers to at least operate a laptop to utilize the smart class properly other ways give training to children's from respective classes in both cases conduct a test mainly practical
  • allow the children's to have a grater communication to the authorities of both the the school and government by utilizing the existing technology (interactive websites)
  • dismiss the teachers who are unable to continue in this profession (i know it is rude but its like cancer in education)
  • bring electronic registers for staff and children
  • give popper coaching and up to date methods in teaching to teachers for improving their skills also conduct a test (most of the time teachers come to training either to sleep or to eat)
  • have research on education and children physiology 
  • get politics outside the school walls
  • same as that of government school with more caring on politics and keeping religion and sex discrimination out of the campus
  • in case of education i have no objection towards you but reducing their fee for some children with poverty with good skill and potential would be a grate kindness towards the society  
 hope you understand the problem and taking this matter seriously you will share to the authoritise

jai hind 
