after seeing this picture itself I am sure that you already know what is in my mind, well there are a lot of reasons for me to confirm this

I am currently studying BTech engineering 1st year in Keala at a reputed college Mbits nellimattom. as I have mentioned in the previous blog about the problems of the Indian education system there was another side for that system which I required a little time to understand that another side was known as college. 

first of all, I was a little nervous and scared of going to a college after there was an attempt to murder in between two students of a govt college, but later I understand that those were just in a government college. so with a hangover from my highly restricted and over-controlled school life from the first day of my induction program, I could feel this fresh air of freedom that I have never received in my life ever. the method of education was also far better by all sense because in high school the person who asks a dought to the teacher was considered either as a book worm or a nuisance by the teachers. but here I could really understand what I am studying and why I am studying it for. the teachers where also young and enthusiastic compared to the stubborn arrogant egoism and old teachers who rotted my brain with sin, cos, and tan. 

with that said, I should also like to point out to the negative side of college life, in college you are actually an individual you can have your personality your point of view and usually, there are seniours who pretends to be the boss around there and sometimes they are especially in a government college. ragging or bullying has become a part of this system, I don't know where this culture came from nor what the benefit of this, sometimes this could even lead to murder as I have mentioned earlier

so in conclusion, I can only say that both have their own merits and demerits

merits of college
  • freedom
  • fall in love (without a teacher wiping your ***)
  • explore the world and its reality
  • deeper friendship
  • able to use a mobile phone without anyone scolding
demerits of college
  • ragging or bulling
  • might lose some tooth or lose your life
  • more responsibility
  • no one to spoon feed you in case of education
  • politics
merits of school
  • spoon-feeding education system
  • all tooth will be intact to your mouth
  • less responsibility
  • more time to enjoy life
demerits of school
  • get caught by teachers in love matter and you are pretty much dead
  • over-controlling and lack of freedom
  • will not know about the outside world
  • unable to use mobile
